Picture of Julius Krebbekx, made by Vincent van den Hoogen


Welcome on my personal webpage. My name is Julius Krebbekx. I was born and raised in The Netherlands, where I have lived in various places in Noord-Brabant and Limburg throughout my childhood. Nowadays, I live in Eindhoven.

I am currently a PhD student at the TU/e in the Control Systems group. On my webpage, you can find information about my PhD research, side projects, and other things that I enjoy. Feel free to contact me about anything that you read here!

Background info

I am a (theoretical) physicist and mathematician by training. I have obtained by BSc in physics at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and my MSc mathematics and MSc theoretical physics from Utrecht University. My main interests are:

In my spare time, I like to play the piano, do some sports (cycling, golf, skiing), ride my motorcycle, and read a book. Examples of an ideal vacation are camping, skiing in the mountains or going on a (multi-day) hike.

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